Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Visit today

Visit today. Certified Public Accountant SEO. Search Engine Optimization, Video Marketing,Social Bookmarking.

Visit today. Certified Public Accountant SEO. Search Engine Optimization, Video Marketing,Social Bookmarking. SEO $39 Month No Contract.  60 Second Video of  Free 150 Unique Social Bookmarks For New Clients. Reputation Monitoring Reports. Automate Reviews From Clients. solicits and tracks feedback, reviews, and provides Google friendly code to post reviews on your Website.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

LinkedIn Files Suit Against Unknown Scammers


Social media site LinkedIn is cracking down on scammers who violated the site’s policies by creating fake profiles to peruse users and steal their data.
While LinkedIn’s team isn’t yet sure who the offenders are, it’s taking preventative action against them by filing suit.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Steal a computer? Don't use it to update your Facebook page

A kleptomaniac in England was arrested once again after he stole a computer and promptly got caught updating his status on Facebook.
Kyle Nicholls, 27, had just been released from the clink after serving 14 months on a 29-month jail term he received for house burglary. It was his 11th conviction of house burglary since becoming an adult. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Dated Content Impacts Your Google Rankings?

There is an interesting thread that I am not sure if I am looking into too much. The Google Webmaster Help thread has a representative from Rasmussen College complaining that his business management degree page no longer ranks well in Google. Now that is not the interesting part, the complaint.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Create a website the easy way


When he isn't bicycling, prowling used bookstores, or watching movies, PC World Contributing Editor Lincoln Spector writes about technology and cinema.
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Gabe Tockatly asked about an easy and inexpensive way to create a website.
As President Obama discovered last fall, building a good website can be a daunting task. But if you don’t require a lot of complex forms that share data with hundreds of insurance companies, it’s actually pretty simple.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Latest From Google on Guest Blogging
“It’s clear from the way that people are talking about it that there are a lot of low-quality guest blogger sites, and there’s a lot of low-quality guest blogging going on. And anytime people are automating that or abusing that or really trying to make a bunch of link without really doing the sort of hard work that really earns links on the basis of merit or because they’re editorial, then it’s safe to assume that Google will take a closer look at that.”

Monday, January 20, 2014

Year In Review: What Happened On Facebook

It’s nearly a new year, so of course it’s time to take a look back and see what we were all talking about on social media in 2013. Specifically, on Facebook.
Besides the personal shares that get some Facebookers riled up (baby photos, sad faces with no explanation, etc.), many of us talked about bigger issues; namely, what was going on in the world. 2013 was a crazy time for many parts of the globe, and we lost a lot of good people.


Saturday, January 11, 2014

Google and Duplicate Content

Duplicate content has been an issue in search engine optimization for many years now, yet there is still a lot of confusion around what you can and can’t do with it, in terms of staying on Google’s good side.


Saturday, January 4, 2014

10 Vital SEO Tasks

If you are a new business owner or the creator of a shiny new website, it can be easy to get caught up in the excitement of the moment and begin searching for link opportunities and promoting content from your site for search engine optimization. However, content strategy and link building should be at the top of the SEO pyramid after a strong online base has been established.